
Free Bitcoin

Earn Bitcoin

There are lots of sites where you can earn (for free) little amounts of bitcoin, like PTC sites or so called Faucet sites.

Unfortunately a good few of these sites cheat. You spend a good amount of time building up your balance, and if you request a payout, they do not pay.

We check out every single site before we recommend it, so go, check them out for yourself and get yourself some Satoshi!

Instant Faucetbox

Sites that pay you instantly into your Faucetbox


Very easy, all the same sites, claim between 100 and 200 Satoshi each, instant pay Faucetbox.


Faucets with minimum payout

You have to make a good few claims before you reach payout at these sites, but they do pay!


Bitcoin PTC sites

PTC sites where you earn Satoshis for visiting sites for a certain amount of time.


Xapo Faucets

If you have a Xapo wallet, then feel free to get some Satoshis from these sites


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